Lee Hwa's JewelPlay

Products and Services

Necklaces , Rings , Bracelets , Earrings , Diamonds

Founded in 1970, Lee Hwa is one of Asia's leading contemporary fine jewellers in Singapore, introducing diamond and gold statement jewellery for everyday and occasion wear. 

An expert on diamonds, Lee Hwa introduced Destinée, The Perfect Diamond, to the APAC region. The brand also welcomed ITALGOLD, artisanal 916 Gold perfected by fine Italian craftsmanship, to its oeuvre of gold jewellery which includes the world's first 19k solid Purple Gold. Lee Hwa is also the exclusive distributor of world-renowned brands such as De Beers Forevermark, Niessing, Fabergé and Stenzhorn.

Store Details

01-19 to 19A, 01-37
+65 6334 2838
Lee Hwa Homepage | Lee Hwa Jewellery

This store accepts

  • CapitaCard
  • eCapitaVoucher
  • DBS (Instant STAR$®️ Earn)


  • Sunday to Thursday - 11:00 AM to 09:00 PM
  • Friday to Saturday - 11:00 AM to 09:30 PM



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