Yoga Inc

Products and Services


Yoga Inc is a boutique yoga studio that believes in making yoga accessible and keeping the practice authentic. To do this, we’ve spread out five outlets across the heartlands, and ensured each studio is designed with cleanliness and comfort as a priority – expect proper shower facilities, sufficient props and wide mat space! 

We offer a variety of hot and non-hot yoga classes with varying levels of challenge, all of which are taught by experienced instructors who bring their diverse styles and personalities to the mat. Coupled with transparent prices and a wide selection of packages, we hope that you will be able to develop a safe practice and find a community with us. 

Outside of studio classes, we also enjoy community initiatives and charity events, and have regularly helped various dog shelters and beneficiaries from the Willing Hearts. Visit or follow us on Instagram to find out more.

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  • eCapitaVoucher



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