Le Labo

Products and Services

Colognes , Perfumes

Le Labo fragrances was born in Grasse, France and raised in New York, USA.

Le Labo means ‘the lab’ in French. 

Each of our boutiques functions like an open artisanal laboratory designed as an entertainment park for the nose where people can take the time to smell and touch raw ingredients in order to awaken their olfactory system and trigger emotions. We freshly hand-blend our fragrances to the order and each label is personalized with the date and place of the formulation, as well as a message chosen by our client.

Creating soulful Beauty with Care through our craft of slow perfumery is the heartbeat of our company.

We work with a community of craftspeople who shape our world: the flower harvesters, the local family farms, the candle pourers, the reclaimed wood artisans, etc.

 The core of our collection is our 19 genderless perfumes and 12 candles, but we also offer sensorial formulas for body, hair and face as well as a grooming line.

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