Products and Services

Colognes , Perfumes , Cleansers , Moisturizer , Lotion , Shampoo , Conditioner , Body Gels

Originating from the markets of Provence. 23-year-old Olivier Baussan started L’Occitane by distilling rosemary essential oil to sell locally. He then expanded his production from oils to soaps to creams, taking inspiration from the land he grew up in, gradually building the foundations of L’Occitane.

Today, L’Occitane is based in Manosque, France and an international retailer of body, face, fragrances and home products with branches found across the world.

The brand is deeply rooted in its origins and uses only 100% natural essential oils and ingredients with respect to man and the environment, to ensure that the highest quality skincare, body care products and fragrances are created.

In addition, the brand is a strong advocate of sustainable sourcing, opting to utilise local produce whenever possible, in order to reduce our carbon footprint and support local businesses for the benefit of the social fabric of the region. L’Occitane believes in giving priority to small, integrated networks, to bring added value to the producer and have complete control over the traceability of extracts, from the seeds right up to the finished product.

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