Bee Cheng Hiang

Products and Services

Bak Kwa , Pork Floss

Bee Cheng Hiang is a homegrown brand that humbly began as a road side stall along Chinatown, Singapore in 1933. This traditional delicacy known as ‘bakkwa’ in Singapore, is a festive treat enjoyed by locals and Bee Cheng Hiang is a popular choice for their scrumptious barbequed pork slices. Currently, there are over 370 stores in 12 territories, so that you can enjoy a slice of deliciousness wherever you go! Bee Cheng Hiang’s bakkwa are made with 100% natural ingredients, without MSG, artificial flavouring and colouring, preservatives as well as added meat tenderizer. They have also retained the original recipe since 1933, preserving the nostalgic and traditional taste while never compromising on its standards. Bee Cheng Hiang continues to make their bakkwa over traditional bamboo sieves and smokes them for hours with charcoal. Their grilled bakkwa come in variations, including Gourmet, Minced and Coin slices. There are also vacuum-packed selections as well as rolls and floss. Bee Cheng Hiang offers bakkwa in pork, beef and chicken. To maintain the flavour of the bakkwa, Bee Cheng Hiang freshly grill the slices at their stores daily. Visit Singapore’s favourite bakkwa brand for a visual, aromatic and gastronomic experience today!

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